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Going to the polls: one educator's story

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote


Date Posted: 11/04/2019 | Author: Andrea Chevalier

ATPE Lobbyist and Educator Andrea Chevalier

Tomorrow is Election Day, which means we all have the opportunity to share our voices in one of the most important ways possible - voting. In light of tomorrow's "festivities" and as a former educator, I'd like to share my personal voting story.

When I was growing up, we didn't talk much about politics. Most of what did spur conversation was from what was shown on the television, like President Clinton's impeachment trial and the tragedy of September 11, 2001. The patriotism I had as a child didn't translate into a love of democracy until I became a teacher.

Through teaching, I began to see the world outside of my own bubble. I developed relationships with hundreds of students, each with their own story and gifts to the world. Their parents entrusted me, a stranger, every day to prepare their child for the world and keep them safe. Now that I have my own child, this aspect of teaching is even more incredible.

As a teacher feeling protective of her students, it was the system - which was dominated by non-educator politicians and never seemed to serve my students or colleagues as well as it could - that inspired me to become involved in politics. Before I vote, I look for candidates who are going to support a pro-public education agenda that drives resources and support to students and educators.

Every time educators vote, we make our voices heard. Make sure your voice is heard by voting tomorrow. On the ballot you will find several constitutional amendments, local ballot measures, and potentially a state House of Representatives race! Read more about the ballot in this blog post from ATPE Political Involvement Coordinator Edwin Ortiz.

Create your voting plan by visiting Vote411.org to view and print out a sample ballot showing exactly what will you will be voting on in your area, find where to vote, and see your polling place's hours!

Have fun!


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