SBEC discusses educator preparation pathways, performance assessments, and more at July 2023 meetings

Educator Preparation | Certification TEA | Commissioner | SBOE
Date Posted: 7/21/2023 | Author: Tricia Cave
The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) held a two-day meeting July 20-21 to consider such items as future rulemaking regarding the teacher residency pathway; a framework and timeline for a future Texas-specific Teacher Performance Assessment (a Texas version of edTPA) to replace the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Exam (PPR); and review of the continuous improvement model for Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs).
Thursday was a work session devoted to two main focuses: in the morning, a discussion with a stakeholder panel regarding the use of an educator residency pathway by EPP programs, and how the residency pathway has improved educator preparation; and in the afternoon, a discussion of continuous improvement processes for EPPs. SBEC members met with a panel of stakeholders from EPPs and partnering school districts, and they learned how they operate their residency programs and how those programs benefit the partner districts, educators, and students. The afternoon was spent with another panel of EPP stakeholders, discussing the Texas Education Agency (TEA) continuous improvement process, how it works, and how it helps EPPs to do a better job of preparing their candidates for the classroom.
Friday, board members heard TEA recommendations and public testimony on the following items:
- SBEC denied a petition to change its rules to give flexibility to part-time clinical teaching students and allow them to complete all or part of their clinical teaching assignment online. The board also rejected the idea that candidates should be allowed to complete the assignments online, sticking with SBEC’s long-established policy of favoring face-to-face training for clinical teaching candidates.
- SBEC formally proposed rule changes to 19 TAC Chapter 229, which establishes the accountability standards and procedures for EPPs. The proposed amendments would provide for adjustments to the 2022–2023 Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) Manual; clarify the system for accreditation assignments; clarify provisions for continuing approval reviews; and include technical updates.
- SBEC directed TEA to initiate the process of redesigning the EPP continuing approval review to align it with the Effective Preparation Framework (EPF). This is the process upon which EPPs are evaluated and given areas for continuous improvement and growth. TEA will now begin the process of procuring a vendor to redesign the program.
- SBEC decided to move forward with the development of content- and grade-specific Texas edTPA exams and the RFP bidding process. ATPE, through our partnership in the Texas Coalition for Educator Preparation (TCEP), provided testimony against the development of a TPA exam and asked that if an exam must be created, the timeline be clarified with regard to developing a Texas-specific TPA exam.
- SBEC also discussed proposed changes to Chapter 228, which includes EPP requirements. The board directed TEA to continue to work with stakeholders to develop rule changes to be discussed further in September and possibly adopted in December. ATPE, through our TCEP partnership, has participated in the rewriting process and recommended several changes in the rule text to TEA and the board.
- Finally, SBEC approved the development of a committee to revise the grade-banded teacher pedagogy standards, as well as the grade-banded English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) and math content pedagogy standards to implement House Bill (HB) 1605.
The next SBEC meetings will be held Sept. 28-29.

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