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TEA releases CSCOPE review panel findings

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote

Date Posted: 2/04/2014 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE

In 2013, the State Board of Education launched an informal review of the content of social studies lessons offered through the curriculum management system CSCOPE. SBOE Chair Barbara Cargill appointed an ad hoc committee to conduct the review, and SBOE District 15 member Marty Rowley chaired the committee. Other SBOE members serving on the committee were Mavis Knight from District 13, Patricia "Pat" Hardy from District 11 and Tom Maynard from District 10. The committee took input from approximately 140 stakeholders, and their reports are now available online at The website includes a statement clarifying the purpose of the review as follows: "The Ad Hoc Committee was not charged with the responsibility to approve or disapprove of these lessons, and it makes no recommendations nor does it reach any conclusions in that regard. It is intended that these reviews will serve as a resource for those who are considering using these lessons, and for those who are interested in learning what a cross section of Texas educators, parents and citizens have to say about them." Read today's press release from the Texas Education Agency for more information.


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