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Why I took the TEA website survey and why you should too

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote

Date Posted: 1/17/2014 | Author: Monty Exter

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) website houses the greatest trove of Texas education data that you'll never be able to find. All joking aside, the site does feature amazing resources—from live or archived State Board of Education hearings, searchable accountability data and school finance reports to agency rules, information on teacher certification and a myriad of other useful documents and reports—but has long had a reputation for being challenging to navigate. However, that might soon be changing. The agency is currently in the initial stages of a complete overhaul of the site. In preparation, they are asking both current and potential users to participate in a survey, the answers from which will hopefully help the agency prioritize and streamline their efforts. Unlike TEA's current website, the survey is only a few pages long and is simple and quick to use. I encourage anyone who would like to improve access to all of the information on Texas public education TEA offers to take a few minutes to fill out the survey.


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