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The deadline to register to vote is Monday, Oct. 7

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote

Date Posted: 10/02/2013 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE

The next uniform election date is Tuesday, Nov. 5. The deadline to register to vote on this day is this upcoming Monday (Oct. 7). It's a good habit to vote in all elections. There are several constitutional amendments on the ballot this November and a special election for House District 50. This day will largely be about local elections, however, including local school board elections. These types of elections typically have a very low turnout, which means each vote has a larger impact on determining the outcome—your vote could make the difference. Please make sure that you are registered by the deadline, which, again, is this Monday, Oct. 7. If you are already registered, you do not have to re-register unless you have moved or changed your name. Find out if you are registered and download a voter registration application here.


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